Find work that matters

Competitive salaries. Responsible companies. Transparent job listings. You deserve more than "just a job".

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Handprint is the better jobs platform that helps you find meaningful work so you can feel good about what you do.

More than just another job board

Values-aligned companies

Companies that prioritize impact and ethics—not just profit. Explore company profiles and get to know your next potential employer.

Transparent job listings

Transparent job descriptions that are never stale. Your time is valuable: Know salary, benefits, and more before you apply.

Easy applications

Skip the cover letters. Identify jobs that are right for you, upload your resume, and answer 1 application question.

Find jobs

When it comes to your job, it's not just about what you do—it's about where and how you work, who you work with, and why you do what you do.

Features in the pipeline

We're proud of our platform—and we're just getting started! We have a lot of exciting new features in the works.

  • Talent profiles designed to replace resumes
  • In-platform features for an end-to-end hiring platform including direct messaging, scheduling, video interviews, and customizable interview templates
  • A library of resources to support growth, professional development, and lead
  • Smart matching between job opportunities and talent profiles based on the science of engagement

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