The search for your next great hire ends here

Showcase your impact. Reach more than 100,000 exceptional job-seekers. Hire better.

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Handprint is the better jobs platform that helps you find diverse, driven, and values-aligned talent to build more engaged teams.

A jobs platform built for people-first companies

Detailed company profiles

Create your free company profile to showcase your brand. Highlight your values, impact goals, and more. Match with candidates on what matters most.

Quality applicants

Talent is your best investment. Recruit high quality candidates from our curated pool of over 100,000 diverse, driven, and passionate professionals.

Transparent pricing

Post jobs at an affordable, transparent price. No hidden fees or per-applicant costs, no inconsistency.

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Our transparent pricing model

Pricing to meet any company's needs. No hidden fees. No inconsistencies.

Community plan


Create a free company profile to highlight your organization's impact and values. Get discovered by more than 100,000 job seekers.

Create profile

Growth plan


Pay a one-time, flat fee to post a job for 30 days. Review applicants on a rolling basis. You can choose to extend the listing twice at no cost.

Get started

Pro plan


Ready to hire but low on bandwidth? Talk to our team about custom hiring-support solutions that are right for your company.

Email us

How it works

It’s as easy as 1-2-3

1. Tell your company's story

  • Create a profile that highlights what sets your company apart as an extraordinary workplace.
  • Share your mission, values, impact, culture, and commitment to diversity and inclusion.
  • Capture the attention of over 100,000 exceptional candidates.

2. Post a job

  • Your job listing will be published on for 30 days.
  • No subscriptions, no hidden fees.
  • Both your company and job listing will be promoted within our curated talent network.

3. Review applications

  • No wasted time with generic cover letters. Applicants only answer one relevant application question.
  • Receive applications on a rolling basis. Review them when you're ready.
  • Easy status tracking.

Too busy to manage your search?

Our customized recruiting services can help.

From applicant review and sorting to phone screenings, communications, and more, let us help you find your next hire so you can stay focused on what you do best.

Features in the pipeline

We're proud of our platform—and we're just getting started! We have a lot of exciting new features in the works.

  • Talent profiles designed to replace resumes
  • In-platform features for an end-to-end hiring platform including direct messaging, scheduling, video interviews, and customizable interview templates
  • A library of resources to support growth, professional development, and lead
  • Smart matching between job opportunities and talent profiles based on the science of engagement

Be in the know.

Receive recruiting and leadership resources, learn about updates to our platform, and more. Start hiring better with Handprint.